
Resisting, Learning, Growing.

We are interested in building a powerful agroecology movement through effective movement organising and learning practices.

This is a site for sharing the work of the RLG action learning group and RLG research project on agroecological transformations.

Latest from the Blog

Realising the Vision for Agroecology: Organising Beyond Field Boundaries

This blog post was originally written for the Landworkers’ Alliance blog, read the original here. By Ama Crowe and Alice Taherzadeh The movement for agroecology and food sovereignty has a powerful vision. We’re not just about producing food in ways that don’t mess up the planet, or ensuring everyone can eat well. We’re fighting for…

Living Systems at the Land Skills Fair

For the Land Skills Fair in August 2021, the RLG team facilitated a workshop called If we don’t design systems, we inherit them to create a space for collective exploration of of group organising systems and power dynamics in the agroecology and land movements. Using Navigate’s framework of Living Systems which we had learnt through…

What is Agroecology?

Recently, the terms agroecology and agroecological have been springing up more and more in different contexts. But what is agroecology? And why is it so tricky to define? If you’ve been a bit confused about the meaning of agroecology then don’t worry, you’re not the only one. After I wrote this blogpost, Landworkers’ Alliance in…

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